

[FR] hérétique

hérétique operates at the crossroads between a think-tank, a development studio, a publishing house and a consulting agency. Our mission is to imagine, craft and share alternative visions of the digital world.

hérétique members are researchers, designers, developers, illustrators and more. We create apps, objects, performances, research, games... that challenge the Silicon Valley dogma.

We will be showing various physical and digital products:

- The Egg: This time capsule allows you to seal an object or message and reveal it on the date and hour of your choice, up to 5 years. It can be used to gift something that matters to a loved one or to yourself.
- The Music Box: a wooden speaker to gift one unique song to a loved one, far from our hyperchoice musical landscape
- Dérive: an app that promotes strolling ("flânerie"), to rediscover intuition and surprise
- Algoville: a not so serious card game about the algorithmic inhabitants living inside our phones.

Digital Wallonia
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