Bureau Europe Créative Wallonie-Bruxelles, France, Luxembourg


Bureau Europe Créative Wallonie-Bruxelles, France, Luxembourg

The Europe Créative Offices support cultural professionals in obtaining European funding for their cultural projects. They will be present at the KIKK Market to inform and advise professionals and artists on the opportunities offered by the Europe Creative program and its various calls for projects.

Europe Creative is a European Commission funding program dedicated to the cultural and creative sectors (Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Audiovisual, Architecture, Literature, Fashion and Design, Heritage, Sustainable Cultural Tourism…). Its aim is to strengthen cultural diversity in Europe and meet the needs and challenges of the cultural, creative and audiovisual sectors. It contributes to the revival of these sectors and supports them in their efforts to become more digital, more ecological, more resilient and more inclusive.

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Sponsors :
Digital Wallonia
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