Design for Performance + Interaction @ the Bartlett School of Architecture


The Design for Performance and Interaction Masters (DfPI) is a transdisciplinary degree that teaches students to design performances and interactive experiences. Open to those from diverse artistic and technical backgrounds, the program explores objects, spaces, people, and systems as performers using interactive technologies. Students gain advanced design skills informed by diverse fields such as performing arts, digital media, creative coding, and cognitive neuroscience. The program encourages creativity, emphasizing prototyping across interactive objects, staged events, and performance architecture.


***LOADING*** DfPI works in progress

Rabih Arasoghli: Beiruit Memories (Video installation)
Swaraj Dhuri: Machinic Maps (AI Drawing Apparatus)
Ruonan Fan + Jihang Sun: Shanghai Voices (Video installation + VR Scene)
Yumeng Hong: Echoes (Sonic Wearable)
Yoshi Kosaka : Fact Inverter (Generative AI Chrome Extension)
Kimverlyn Lim & Jin Xie: Ambedo Field (sound installation)
Zijun Wan, Zimeng Tan, Ruoru Wang: Minds + Matter (interactive generative AI installation)
Nicole Xu: Untitled (Interactive projection)

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