Cinzia Campolese


Cinzia Campolese appropriates technological elements to explore their perceptual possibilities and limitations. Her work delves into the experience of navigating digital and physical environments, uncovering the frictions and perceptual phenomena that arise from their intersections. The outcomes of her practice take the form of sculptural works, layered with digital and material textures, aiming to create hybrid spaces for escape and reflection.
Her artworks and interventions have been presented at various cultural institutes, galleries, and events worldwide, including the Goethe Institut, International Digital Art Biennial by ELEKTRA in Montreal (CA), B39 space in Seoul (KOR), Adiacenze Gallery in Bologna (IT), Wood Street Gallery in Pittsburgh (USA), York Art Gallery (UK), Biennale Chroniques in Marseille, Stereolux in Nantes, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles in Paris (FR), Rotondes (LU), NEW NOW in Essen (DE), Noise Media Art Fair in Istanbul (TR), MUTEK, Art Souterrain, Phi Center in Montreal (CA).


Could you take a picture?

The work features a series of modified, upcycled LCDs of different brands and models. Each of these screens, through direct sight, emits a full and colored light without showing any content. The Led lighting system, which is normally used to display visual content in LCDs, is replaced with a custom one and controlled by an integrated circuit that creates interference patterns that are only visible through the camera of our smartphones. The visual outcome is created by the interplay between the default rolling shutter speed of the camera and the duty cycle of the led system installed inside the screens.
By asking us to look through another screen to experience the work, and by exploiting the inherent limit of both the camera and the viewer's visual system, the piece challenges us to re-evaluate our relationship with technology as a mediator of experience and consider how it shapes our perceptions of the world around us.

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